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  GCH2021 Certificate

Note: The Test is only accessible to those who meet the minimum required live attendance. A notification email has been sent out on June 9th, only to those eligible to take this Test. 

 Please read carefully the following instructions before taking the Test:

1) You can only take the Test ONCE.

2) There are 40 questions.

3) There is no time limitation to end the test.

4) The Test will be available online only until June 23rd at 23:59h.

5) Every question has 1 single correct answer.

6) At the end of the Test, after you click on the 'Submit' button, your final result will appear on the screen.

  • If you HAVE reached 28 or more points, please proceed to Step 3 'Get your Certificate' where your Certificate will automatically appear on the screen (if you are on the Web) or will be automatically sent to your registered email (if you are in the APP).

  • If you HAVE reached 27 or less points, you have not passed the Test and so, the Certificate won't be available.

If you have any questions, please contact Good luck!

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