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    Agenda Eventos propios y colaboraciones

Miércoles 23 Abril

  • 08:00 - 14:00   GCH2025 | Global Congress on Hysteroscopy

    2025 | GCH2025: 5th Edition of the Global Congress on Hysteroscopy


    Sitges (Barcelona) | Spain

    GCH2025 is HERE!

    A Journey of Growth and Innovation: From 2017 to Today

    When we held our first Global Congress on Hysteroscopy in 2017, we set out with a dream: to create a space where specialists from around the world could come together to share knowledge, learn from one another, and push the boundaries of what is possible in hysteroscopy. What began as a small gathering of passionate experts has, in just a few years, grown into a global movement, uniting professionals who are shaping the future of hysteroscopy.

    Looking back, it’s incredible to see how far we have come. From the exchange of pioneering techniques to the hands-on workshops that have defined our sessions, each congress has brought something new and exciting. Our commitment to advancing the field and ensuring that every participant has the opportunity to grow, innovate, and contribute has been at the heart of our journey.

    It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 5th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy, a prestigious event that continues to be at the forefront of innovation and excellence in the field of hysteroscopy. This year, we are excited to explore the latest advancements and breakthroughs shaping the future of hysteroscopic procedures worldwide.

    We look forward to seeing what the future holds, but for now, we celebrate you, the heart and soul of this congress, and the journey we have taken together.

    Join the Global Community in Sitges! Registrations are OPEN!

Jueves 16 Enero

  • 08:00 - 20:00   WCRPL2025 | Singapore

    2025 | CON ISRPL



    It has been a great honor for GCH to participate in the World Congress on Repeated Pregnancy Loss (WCRPL25) in Singapore organized by the International Society of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.

    Prof. Haimovich has had the privilege of sharing knowledge with colleagues from many countries. He would like to thank Professor Asher Bashiri for his kind invitation and Lina Med for its support in organizing a Workshop on Hysteroscopy.

Domingo 22 Diciembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   2024 | PG Course Laser in Hysteroscopy

    2024 | WITH TAIWAN



    PG Course on laser in hysteroscopy organized by the Taiwanese Hysteroscopy Society. Attendees from Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand.

    Thank you, Dr Hsuan Su, for your kind invitation to Prof. Haimovich.

Sábado 16 Noviembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   AAGL | 53rd Global Congress on MIGS

    2024 | WITH AAGL: Global Congress on MIGS


    New Orleans | USA

    Prof. Haimovich giving a TED talk in the main auditorium during the AAGL Global congress in New Orleans. It was a great honor and an incredible experience.

    He has just been elected Member of the Board of Directors of AAGL with a two year period mandate.

Domingo 27 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   ESGE | 33rd Annual Congress

    2024 | WITH ESGE: XXXIII Annual Congress


    Marseille | France

    The Global Community of Hysteroscopy has taken part in ESGE's 33 Annual Congress with its own Session titled 'From Fundamentals to Advanced Procedures'. There has been a discussion about personal limitations during intrauterine surgery and hysteroscopy.

    Thank you to the moderators Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, Luis Alonso Pacheco, and Shahrzad Ansari and the Speakers Miriam Hanstede, Thomas Justin Clark, and Perrine Capmas

Jueves 17 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   SPAIN | VII Simposio Medicina Fetal

    2024 | WITH SPAIN: VII Simposio Medicina Fetal


    Málaga | Spain

    El Dr. Luis Alonso Pacheco ha participado en la VII Edición del Simposio Internacional de Medicina Fetal del Centro Gutenberg de Málaga, en colaboración con la Fetal Medicine Foundation, con un gran éxito de asistencia.

Jueves 12 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   MEXICO | XXV Congreso Internacional de la FEMEG

    2024 | WITH MEXICO: XXV Congreso Internacional de la FEMEG


    Guadalajara | México

    Ha sido un honor haber participado en el XXV Congreso de la Federación Mexicana de Asociaciones y Colegios de Endoscopia Ginecologíca en la ciudad de Guadalajara, con una Conferencia Magistral a cargo del Prof. Haimovich, Co-fundador de GCH. La alta asistencia demostró el creciente interés en la histeroscopia y la cirugia endouterina.

    Agradecemos la amable invitación a formar parte de este destacado congreso.

Jueves 08 Agosto

  • 08:00 - 20:00   URUGUAY | Curso HANDS ON de Histeroscopía

    2024 | WITH URUGUAY: Curso HANDS ON de Histeroscopía



    El Prof. Haimovich ha sido invitado a participar en el excelente Curso HANDS ON de Histeroscopía, en la ciudad de Montevideo (Uruguay). Agradecemos esta oportunidad de divulgar la práctica histeroscópica.

Martes 25 Junio

  • 08:00 - 09:00   MEXICO | 28 Congreso de COMEGO

    2024 | WITH MEXICO: 28 Congreso de COMEGO


    Ciudad de México

    Congreso COMEGO - Colegio Mexicano de Especialistas en Ginecología y Obstetrícia - 'La salud de la mujer, nuestra pasión'

Miércoles 22 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 17:00   COLOMBIA | XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Obstetricia y Ginecología

    2024 | WITH COLOMBIA: XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Obstetricia y Ginecología


    Cartagena de Indias | Colombia

    Sergio Haimovich, Co-Founder of GCH has taken part in the XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Obstetricia y Ginecología organized by FECOLSOG  in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)

Jueves 16 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 19:00   MÉXICO | Diálogos en reproducción

    2024 | MEXICO: Diálogos en reproducción


    Aguascalientes | México

    Ha sido un honor participar en las sesiones 'Diálogos en reproducción' con diferentes presentaciones realizadas por Sergio Haimovich como por ejemplo 'Miomectomía por histeroscopía' y una Conferencia Magistral 'Histeroscopía de alto nivel: Tips and Tricks'. 

    Además se organizó un Taller de Histeroscopía con cirugía en directo.

    Agradecemos a la Asociación Mexicana de la Medicina de la Reproducción por esta oportunidad de profundizar en la práctica histeroscópica.

Jueves 02 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 17:00   UK | ASM 2024 - BSGE

    2024 | WITH UK: BSGE Annual Scientific Meeting


    Belfast | Northern Ireland

    Sergio Haimovich has been invited to participate as an international speaker in the ASM - Annual Scientific Meeting- of BSGE to take place in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

    Thank you for your kind invitation.

Miércoles 24 Abril

  • 08:30 - 17:00   H-ART-US | The first meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for infertility

    2024 | HARTUS: The first meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for infertility


    Roma | Italy

    Join us in Rome (Italy) from April 22 to 24 for the First Meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

    Visit the HARTUS menu section on MyGCH for detailed information on Registration, Program, Abstracts, etc. or the website for a general presentation.

    You are also invited to watch the presentation video by clicking here:

    Ci vediamo a Roma!

Martes 23 Abril

  • 08:30 - 20:15   H-ART-US | The first meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for infertility

    2024 | HARTUS: The first meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for infertility


    Roma | Italy

    Join us in Rome (Italy) from April 22 to 24 for the First Meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

    Visit the HARTUS menu section on MyGCH for detailed information on Registration, Program, Abstracts, etc. or the website for a general presentation.

    You are also invited to watch the presentation video by clicking here:

    Ci vediamo a Roma!

Lunes 22 Abril

  • 12:00 - 20:00   H-ART-US | The first meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for infertility

    2024 | HARTUS: The first meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for infertility


    Roma | Italy

    Join us in Rome (Italy) from April 22 to 24 for the First Meeting on Hysteroscopy, ART and Ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

    Visit the HARTUS menu section on MyGCH for detailed information on Registration, Program, Abstracts, etc. or the website for a general presentation.

    You are also invited to watch the presentation video by clicking here:

    Ci vediamo a Roma!

Jueves 18 Abril

  • 08:00 - 19:00   SUIZA | Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders

    2024 | WITH SWITZERLAND: SEUD Annual Congress


    Geneva | Switzerland

    Sergio Haimovich from the Global Community of Hysteroscopy has been invited to take part in the SEUD Congress in Geneva.

    Hysteroscopy in reproductive health is becoming an essential tool, especially in cases of congenital uterine anomalies.

Viernes 08 Marzo

  • 08:00 - 18:00   AAGL | 2nd World Summit on Hysteroscopy

    2024 | WITH AAGL: 2nd World Summit on Hysteroscopy



Jueves 29 Febrero

  • 08:00 - 18:00   UK | Ambulatory Care Network Annual Meeting

    2024 | WITH BSGE: ACN Ambulatory Care Network Annual Meeting



    Luis Alonso Pacheco from Co-Chair of GCH, has participated in the BSGE Ambulatory Care Network Annual Meeting open to all practitioners interested in ambulatory gynaecology. The meeting was dedicated to managing women's health conditions in an outpatient setting.

Viernes 23 Febrero

  • 08:00 - 18:00   ENDO DUBAI 9th Edition

    2024 | WITH ENDO DUBAI: 9th Edition



Jueves 22 Febrero

  • 19:00 - 20:15   BRAZILIAN WEBINAR | Integrated Hysteroscopy

    2024 | WITH BRAZIL: Webinar on Integrated Hysteroscopy



     Coordinator, Debator & Speakers 


    Dr. Márcia Penteado


    Dr. Ricardo Lasmar


    Dr. Mariana Cunha Vieira, Hysteroscopist

    Dr. Ana Luiza Marques, Sonographer

    Dr. Lucas Torres, Radiologist

    Dr. Nilka Donadio, Fertility Specialist


    The webinar will consist of 4 parts, as follows:

    Part 1: The Coordinator will present a video case of uterine septum.

    Part 2: The Speakers will show their viewpoints about the case and will answer the following questions:

    Hysteroscopist: 5-minute length.

    - How can hysteroscopy assist in diagnosing uterine septum?

    - Is Hysteroscopy alone sufficient for diagnosing a uterine septum?

    - How is this case conducted?

    - What technique and device are used?

    Sonographer: 5-minute length.

    - How can Ultrasound assist in diagnosing uterine septum?

    - Is Ultrasound alone sufficient for diagnosing a uterine septum?

    - What are the differences between 2D ultrasound and 3D ultrasound for diagnosing a uterine septum?

    Radiologist: 5-minute length.

    - How can MRI assist in diagnosing uterine septum?

    - Is MRI alone sufficient for diagnosing a uterine septum?

    - Does MRI present a higher diagnostic accuracy as compared with 3D ultrasound?

    Fertility Specialist: 5-minute length.

    - Does hysteroscopy help fertility specialists in diagnosing uterine septum?

    - How is this case conducted?

    Part 3: The Debator presents his point of view and discusses the topics with the speakers, if necessary.

    Part 4: The Audience may ask questions via chat.



     Registration is FREE

Sábado 03 Febrero

  • 09:30 - 13:00   ITALY | Hysteroscopy past, present and future, chatting around the fireplace

    2024 | WITH SEGI and SICMIG ITALY: Hysteroscopy past, present and future chatting around the fireplace


    Firenze | Evento híbrido

    Two generations of Italian Hysteroscopists analyze and discuss how the introduction of new medical treatment, technological evolution and advance in instrumentations may have changed clinical-care models and surgical techniques during the last 20 years.

    The official language is Italian with simultaneous translation to English and Spanish

    Registration is FREE by clicking here:

Viernes 02 Febrero

  • 08:00 - 18:00   INDIA | 28th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction

    2024 | WITH INDIA: ISAR 2024



    During the 28th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, Sergio Haimovich, had the honor to show surgical hysteroscopy techniques for uterine pathologies such as Isthmocele and Dysmorphic uterus that affect the fertility of so many women. 

    Thank you for your kind invitation!

Viernes 26 Enero

  • 08:00 - 18:00   MEXICO | Asociación Mexicana de Medicina de la Reproducción

    2024 | WITH MEXICO: Asociación Mexicana de Medicina de la Reproducción


    Sergio Haimovich ha sido invitado a participar de manera virtual con una muy interesante presentación sobre el tema 'Retención de restos óvulo-placentarios'. 

Sábado 06 Enero

  • 08:00 - 18:00   INDIA | 66th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

    2024 | WITH INDIA: 66th AICOG Congress


    Hyderabad | India

    GCH has been invited to participate in the 66th National Conference of AICOG in Hyderabad. Attended by 12000 delegates, the biggest event in ObGyn in India. Prof. Haimovich had the honor to participate in the live surgery workshop and, of course, in the Global Community of Hysteroscopy Session.

Miércoles 13 Diciembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Annual Congress Hysteroscopy Association Taiwan

    2023 | WITH TAIWAN: Hysteroscopy Association Taiwan, Annual Congress


    Taipei | Taiwan

    GCH, represented by Sergio Haimovich, has taken part in the Annual Congress of the Hysteroscopy Association in Taiwan.

    Thank you for your kind invitation!

Jueves 07 Diciembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Congreso Internacional en Endoscopia Ginecológica

    2023 | CON MEXICO: Congreso Internacional en Endoscopia Ginecológica


    Hermosillo | México

    Sergio Haimovich, Co-founder of GCH, has been invited as a Speaker in the 'Congreso Internacional de Endoscopia Ginecológica' which has taken place in Hermosillo, México.

    Thank you, Dra. Christian Luviano for this opportunity.

Viernes 24 Noviembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy

    2023 | WITH HUNGARY: 2nd Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy


    Debrecen | Hungary

    The 2nd edition of the Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy will take place in November in Debrecen, with the support of the Global Community of Hysteroscopy.

    More information and registration is available here: 

Jueves 23 Noviembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   COGI Congress

    2023 | WITH COGI: 31st World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility


    Vienna | Austria

    GCH is honored to have its own session during the COGI Congress in Vienna, talking about pregnancy-related hysteroscopy subjects.

    We'd like to thank the COGI organizers for their kind invitation.

Lunes 09 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics

    2023 | WITH FIGO: World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics


    Paris | France

    GCH has been present in FIGO Congress (Paris) talking about Hysteroscopy. 

    It's been an honor and we'd like to thank the organisers for this opportunity.

Jueves 05 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Miomas y la Endometriosis

    2023 | WITH SEEME: Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Miomas y la Endometriosis


    Madrid | Spain

    Ha sido un honor participar en el congreso de SEEME con una presentación sobre Peristaltismo Uterino y Fertilidad a cargo de Sergio Haimovich, Co-fundador de GCH. Un tema muy interesante e innovador.

    Gracias al Dr. Francisco Carmona y a la Dra. Maria Luisa Cañete por esta oportunidad.

Domingo 01 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   32nd Annual Congress of ESGE

    2023 | WITH ESGE: 32nd Annual Congress


    Brussels | Belgium

    The Global Community of Hysteroscopy has participated in ESGE's 32nd Annual Congress in Brussels with its own session.

    It's been an honor to have been invited.

Sábado 16 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Endo Master AGRA

    2023 | WITH IAGE: Endo Master AGRA


    Agra | India

Jueves 31 Agosto

  • 17:00 - 20:00   AAGL Webinar 'Office Hysteroscopy: Mastering the Basics'

    2023 | WITH AAGL: Hysteroscopy SIG Webinar Office Hysteroscopy: Mastering the Basics



    Sergio Hamovich, Chair of the AAGL Hysteroscopy SIG, has taken part in the Webinar on Office Hysteroscopy: Mastering the Basics.

    A big thank you goes to all the participants.

Miércoles 21 Junio

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Hospital Universitario La Paz - VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía Ginecológica

    2023 | WITH SPAIN: Hospital Universitario La Paz - VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía Ginecológica


    Madrid | Spain

Sábado 03 Junio

  • 08:00 - 18:00   18th AAGL International Congress along with IAGE

    2023 | WITH INDIA: 18th AAGL International Congress along with IAGE


Domingo 07 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 18:00   GYNITALY

    2023 | WITH ITALY: GynItaly


    Roma | Italy

    GCH has actively participated in the GynItaly congress.

    Thank you for the opportunity to take part in this important event.

Viernes 28 Abril

  • 08:00 - 13:00   GCH2023 - 4th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy | Sitges (Barcelona)

    2023 | GCH2023: Join the Global Community for its biennial congress!


    We are proud to invite you to the 4th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy (GCH) that will take place in Sitges-Barcelona (Spain), from April 26th to April 28th, 2023.

    Following the success of the 2017 and 2019 editions, due to the pandemic, we were obligated to go virtual for our 3rd Congress in 2021. We are proud to have been the biggest world online event on Gynaecology Endoscopy with more than 2400 attendees. 

    This congress has been designed so that it will be suitable both for beginners and for advanced surgeons. Our focus won’t only be on hysteroscopy, but also on intrauterine surgery which includes ablation techniques and other technologies.

    Visit the official webpage of the congress in the section GCH2023 Welcome!

Jueves 27 Abril

  • 08:00 - 18:00   GCH2023 - 4th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy | Sitges (Barcelona)

    2023 | GCH2023: Join the Global Community for its biennial congress!


    We are proud to invite you to the 4th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy (GCH) that will take place in Sitges-Barcelona (Spain), from April 26th to April 28th, 2023.

    Following the success of the 2017 and 2019 editions, due to the pandemic, we were obligated to go virtual for our 3rd Congress in 2021. We are proud to have been the biggest world online event on Gynaecology Endoscopy with more than 2400 attendees. 

    This congress has been designed so that it will be suitable both for beginners and for advanced surgeons. Our focus won’t only be on hysteroscopy, but also on intrauterine surgery which includes ablation techniques and other technologies.

    Visit the official webpage of the congress in the section GCH2023 Welcome!

Miércoles 26 Abril

  • 08:00 - 18:00   GCH2023 - 4th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy | Sitges (Barcelona)

    2023 | GCH2023: Join the Global Community for its biennial congress!


    We are proud to invite you to the 4th Global Congress on Hysteroscopy (GCH) that will take place in Sitges-Barcelona (Spain), from April 26th to April 28th, 2023.

    Following the success of the 2017 and 2019 editions, due to the pandemic, we were obligated to go virtual for our 3rd Congress in 2021. We are proud to have been the biggest world online event on Gynaecology Endoscopy with more than 2400 attendees. 

    This congress has been designed so that it will be suitable both for beginners and for advanced surgeons. Our focus won’t only be on hysteroscopy, but also on intrauterine surgery which includes ablation techniques and other technologies.

    Visit the official webpage of the congress in the section GCH2023 Welcome!

Domingo 02 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   GCH in ESGE 31st Annual Congress, taking part in a joint session

    2022 | WITH ESGE: 31st Annual Congress


    Lisboa, Portugal

    Ven al ESGE 31st Annual Congress en Lisboa, del 2 al 5 de octubre 2022.

    • No te pierdas la Sesión Especial de GCH-ESGE del 5 de octubre sobre Histeroscopía y temas relacionados con la cirugía intrauterina como el cancer de endometrio, reproducción, adenomiosis, resectoscopia, etc.

    Las inscripciones al congreso están abiertas en este enlace:

Jueves 08 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   XX Congreso Internacional de Medicina Reproductiva

    2022 | CON ARGENTINA: XX Congreso Internacional de Medicina Reproductiva


    Buenos Aires | Argentina

    El Prof. Sergio Haimovich de GCH está participando en el XX Congreso Internacional de Medicina Reproductiva organizado por la SAMeR - Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Reproductiva. Su presentación trata sobre Istmocele: Diagnóstico y tratamiento histeroscópico.

    Descárgate el programa adjunto y visita para más información.

Miércoles 07 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 18:00   XXIII Congreso Internacional de la FEMEG

    2022 | CON MEXICO: XXIII Congreso Internacional de la FEMEG


    Morelia (Michoacán) | México

    La Global Community of Hysteroscopy está tomando parte en el XXIII Congreso Internacional de la Federación Mexicana de Asociaciones y Colegios de Endoscopia Ginecológica que tiene lugar en Morelia (Michoacan) - Mexico entre el 7 y el 10 de septiembre 2022.

    Puedes descargar el programa adjunto o clicar en la web oficial para más detalles:

Domingo 21 Agosto

  • 14:00 - 18:30   Webinar 'Hysteroscopy beyond the mundane'

    2022 | WITH IAGE: International webinar organised by GCH and IAGE


    Get your access to a most interesting Webinar taking Hysteroscopy beyond the mundane, with the participation of top international speakers.

    Organised by GCH and IAGE, it will take place online on August 21st, 2022.

    Registration is free but compulsory. More info:

Viernes 19 Agosto

  • 08:00 - 18:00   17th National Conference on Gynecological Minimally Invasive Surgery

    2022 | WITH CHINA: 17th National Conference on Gynecological Minimally Invasive Surgery


    Beijing | China

    La 17th National Conference sobre la práctica del diagnóstico ginecológico y cirugía minimamente invasiva, ha reunido tanto en Beijing como virtualmente a la élite china e internacional especializada en cirugía intrauterina. GCH no se podía perder la invitación a este evento y ha participado con dos ponencias relativas al papel de la histeroscopía en el tratamiento de las adherencias y en el cancer de endometrio.

    Visita la web oficial con todos los detalles clicando aquí

Jueves 26 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 17:00   Primeros pasos para el fin de los procedimientos a ciegas

    2022 | HTRS Technological Revolution in Hysteroscopy, by GCH


    Málaga, Spain

    El Congreso sobre Morceladores: Revolución Tecnológica en Histeroscopía tendrá lugar en Málaga (España) los días 26 y 27 de mayo, organizado por GCH y esponsorizado por Medtronic, Hologic y KARL STORZ.

    Únete a GCH en Málaga (España) para saber lo último sobre morceladores y formar parte de un momento histórico con la Firma del Consensus Statement of Intentions for the end of blind intrauterine procedures.

    El documento se firmará en el escenario del congreso por miembros de AAGL, ESGE y GCH. 

    ¡El espacio es limitado! Todos los detalles están disponibles en nuestra sección HTRS Congress o clicando en el logo azul arriba.

Viernes 29 Abril

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy

    2022 | WITH HUNGARY: Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy


    Debrecen | Hungary

    The first Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy will take place in spring in Debrecen with the support of the Global Community of Hysteroscopy

    More information and registration is available here:

Sábado 26 Febrero

  • 09:00 - 11:30   Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas

    2022 | Curso HNH Online: Histeroscopía para no Histeroscopistas


    Online, solo España

    Tercera sesión. Vuelven los cursos HNH con el mecenazgo individual de HOLOGIC a cada participante.

    Solo para profesionales que viven y ejercen en ESPAÑA.

    Visita o clica en el icono azul/contenido relacionado para más detalles.

Sábado 19 Febrero

  • 09:00 - 11:30   Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas

    2022 | Curso HNH Online: Histeroscopía para no Histeroscopistas


    Online, solo España

    Segunda sesión. Vuelven los cursos HNH con el mecenazgo individual de HOLOGIC a cada participante.

    Solo para profesionales que viven y ejercen en ESPAÑA.

    Visita o clica en el icono azul/contenido relacionado para más detalles.

Sábado 12 Febrero

  • 09:00 - 11:30   Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas

    2022 | Curso HNH Online: Histeroscopía para no Histeroscopistas


    Online, solo España

    ¡Primera sesión de 2022! Vuelven los cursos HNH con el mecenazgo individual de HOLOGIC a cada participante.

    Solo para profesionales que viven y ejercen en ESPAÑA.

    Visita o clica en el icono azul/contenido relacionado para más detalles.

Sábado 06 Noviembre

  • 09:00 - 12:00   Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas

    2021 | Curso HNH Online: Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas


    Online, solo España

    Última sesión. Con el mecenazgo individual de HOLOGIC a cada participante.

    Visita para más detalles. 

Sábado 30 Octubre

  • 09:00 - 12:00   Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas

    2021 | Curso HNH Online: Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas


    Online, solo España

    Segunda sesión. Con el mecenazgo individual de HOLOGIC a cada participante.

    Visita para más detalles. 

Sábado 23 Octubre

  • 09:00 - 12:00   Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas

    2021 | Curso HNH Online: Histeroscopía para no histeroscopistas


    Online, solo España

    ¡Primera edición! Con el mecenazgo individual de HOLOGIC a cada participante.

    Visita para más detalles. 

Sábado 16 Octubre

  • 17:00 - 00:00   SOPEG - Jornada Internacional de HIsteroscopía

    2021 | CON PERU: Jornada Internacional de HIsteroscopía, SOPEG


    GCH toma parte en este evento organizado por SOPEG - Sociedad Peruana de Endoscopía Ginecológica con ponentes de talla internacional.

    El evento es en español.

    Para más detalles: Jornada Internacional de Histeroscopía

Sábado 09 Octubre

  • 12:00 - 00:00   Programa de Educación Continua, Clinica Internacional de Perú

    2021 | WITH PERU | Istmocele puesta al día


Domingo 03 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   GCH estará presente en el ESGE 30th Annual Congress

    2021 | WITH ESGE: 30th Annual Congress in Italy


    ¡Vamos a estar presentes en el Congreso Anual de ESGE en Roma con una Sesión de Histeroscopía Innovadora e Interactiva!

    Asistencia: Éste es un congreso híbrido. Los Presidentes de GCH Sergio Haimovich y Luis Alonso Pacheco presentarán sus ponencias de manera presencial.

    Accede a todos los detalles clicando aquí: ESGE Congress.

Viernes 17 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   Participación en el 5th International Conference & Annual Meeting of AGES

    2021 | WITH NIGERIA: AGES 5th International Conference


    GCH está encantada de contribuir al Programa Virtual del 5th International Conference & Annual General Meeting of AGES con la ponencia Tissue Removal Systems vs Resectoscope por parte del Prof. Sergio Haimovich.

    Todos los detalles están disponibles clicando aquí: AGES Nigeria

Miércoles 08 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   Curso Internacional de Histeroscopia

    2021 | CON MEXICO: COMEGO Curso Internacional de Histeroscopía


    GCH está honrada de participar en el Curso Internacional de Histeroscopía de COMEGO con varias ponencias.

    Todos los detalles están disponibles clicando aquí: Curso Internacional de Histeroscopía

Jueves 02 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   VII Congreso Colombiano de Endoscopia Ginecológica

    2021 | CON COLOMBIA: VII Congreso Colombiano de Endoscopia Ginecológica


    El Dr. Luis Alonso Pacheco, Co-Presidente de GCH, participa con una presentación sobre 'Útero Dismórfico'

    Todos los detalles están disponibles aquí: VII Congreso Colombiano de Endoscopia Ginecológica

Miércoles 01 Septiembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   IV Congreso Global de la SACiG

    2021 | CON ARGENTINA: SACiG IV Global Congress


    La Global Community of Hysteroscopy toma parte en el IV Congreso Global de Cirugía Ginecológica Mínimamente Invasiva (edición Virtual) organizado por la Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Ginecológica - SACiG.

    Todos los detalles están disponibles bajo este enlace: SACiG 2021

Sábado 22 Mayo

Sábado 15 Mayo

Sábado 08 Mayo

Sábado 01 Mayo

Viernes 16 Abril

  • 18:00 - 20:00   GCH and Medtronic GYNeACADEMY

    2021 | WITH Medtronic: Webinar Endometrial Biopsy 3.0



Sábado 13 Marzo

  • 13:00 - 14:30   Hysteroscopy for IVF Units

    2021 | WITH IBC: Hysteroscopy for IVF Units



    Free online course. Join and gain insights from world-renowned experts just by staying at your home.

    What will you learn?

    • The role of the uterus in IVF
    • Office diagnostic hysteroscopy: equipment, setup, preparation, first steps
    • The Uterus: structural pathology
    • The Endometrium: functional pathology
    • Question and Answer

Viernes 29 Enero

  • 08:00 - 11:00   The Role of the Uterus

    2021 | WITH ISRAEL: SIG on Reproductive Surgery 'The Role of the Uterus'


    The SIG on Reproductive Surgery invites you to a session on 'The Role of the Uterus' with the collaboration of IFA The Israel Fertility Association.

    Please register using the following registration form

Domingo 20 Diciembre

  • 14:00 - 18:00   Virtual GCH Session in AOGD meeting: Endoscopy updates

    2020 | WITH INDIA: Virtual GCH Session in AOGD meeting: Endoscopy updates



    Session de la AOGD junto con Global Community of Hysteroscopy en inglés.

    Con la participación de Luis Alonso Pacheco, Jose "Tony" Carugno, Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo y Stefano Bettocchi entre otros, en una magnífica sesión virtual de #histeroscopia. Accede en

Viernes 06 Noviembre

  • 08:00 - 20:00   Virtual Congress on MIGS

    2020 | WITH AAGL: Virtual Congress on MIGS



    El Congreso Global Virtual #AAGL20 brindará educación y programación científica de alta calidad que nuestros miembros y colegas esperan en una reunión en persona. Los desafíos presentados por la pandemia de COVID solo refuerzan el tema Rompiendo barreras de este año.

    El Comité del Programa Científico ha estado trabajando diligentemente para ofrecerle programación que superará sus expectativas y ofrecerá un programa nuevo y emocionante donde el aprendizaje, la creación de redes y la participación se ampliarán a una experiencia global completamente virtual. Más información en

Jueves 29 Octubre

  • 08:00 - 19:00   1er Congreso Venezolano de Cirugía Endoscópica Ginecológica y Mínima invasión

    2020 | WITH VENEZUELA: 1er Congreso Venezolano de Cirugía Endoscópica Ginecológica y Mínima invasión



    Congreso ONLINE en Español organizado por Sovecegmi y con la colaboración de Global Community of Hysteroscopy. ¡ No te lo pierdas !

Domingo 13 Septiembre

  • 10:30 - 01:00   Indian Fertility Society IFS-SIG Endoscopy

    2020 | WITH INDIA: Indian Fertility Society IFS-SIG Endoscopy



    The link to access:

Sábado 29 Agosto

  • 08:00 - 18:00   Highgrad E3 E-learning | Advanced Minimal Access Gynae. Surgery

    2020 | WITH INDIA: Highgrad E3 E-learning - Advanced Minimal Access Gynae. Surgery


    A 2-day course!

    International Speakers: Linda Bradley, Sergio Haimovich and Dib Dutta as well as India National Speakers. 

    Registrations @ Email: | Dr Niranjan Chavan - Chief Content Director

Sábado 01 Agosto

Jueves 23 Julio

  • 20:00 - 21:30   Webinar en HEBREO: Pregnancy Related Hysteroscopy

    2020 | WITH ISRAEL: Webinar in HEBREW: Pregnancy Related Hysteroscopy



    Webinar completamente EN HEBREO !

    Registro abierto en

Sábado 11 Julio

  • 12:45 - 14:45   Webinar: No need for septum incision, is it true?

    2020 | WITH ESGE: Webinar: No need for septum incision, is it true?



    Webinar organised by ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn

    ESGE is organising a high-level webinar on this hot issue: internationally recognized experts representing different scientific approaches in the field will debate in front of the audience reviewing the available data.

Jueves 09 Julio

  • 20:00 - 21:00   Webinar EN FRANCES: Hysteroscopie en Afrique du nord

    2020 | WITH NORTH AFRICA: Webinar Hysteroscopie en Afrique du nord


    Webinar en Français au sujet l'Hystéroscopie en Afrique du nord.

    Un événement à ne pas manquer! 

    Inscrivez-vous à

Lunes 29 Junio

  • 20:00 - 21:00   Webinar-Symposium 'The Uterus and the Endometrium in ART'

    2020 | WITH IVI: Webinar-Symposium 'The Uterus and the Endometrium in ART'


    Registration @

    The biggest event ever on Reproduction and Hysteroscopy...only with the best experts.

    Organized by GCH together with IVI RMA GLOBAL and only for a limited number of attendees!

Sábado 27 Junio

Jueves 25 Junio

  • 20:00 - 21:00   Webinar-Symposium 'The Uterus and the Endometrium in ART'

    2020 | WITH IVI: Webinar-Symposium 'The Uterus and the Endometrium in ART'




    El mayor evento nunca realizado sobre Reproducción e Histeroscopía... sólo con los mejores expertos.

    Webinar EN INGLES organizado por GCH junto con IVI RMA GLOBAL y para un número limitado de participantes!

Martes 16 Junio

Jueves 11 Junio

Sábado 06 Junio

  • 12:00 - 13:00   Webinar: Histeroscopía ¡Descubriendo la Cavidad Uterina!

    2020 | WITH DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Histeroscopía ¡Descubriendo la Cavidad Uterina!




    Sábado 06 de Junio a las:   

    • 11:00 AM COLOMBIA
    • 18:00 ESPAÑA

    Inscripciones en

Domingo 31 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 20:00   IAGE Cumbre Virtual Global de Endoscopia

    2020 | WITH INDIA: Global Virtual Endoscopy Summit



    La primera Cumbre Global Virtual de Endoscopia tendrá lugar el 31 de Mayo. ¡ No te la pierdas !

    El folleto informativo completo está adjunto listo para descarga. Regístrate ahora @

Sábado 30 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 09:00   Webinar: Diagnóstico y manejo del defecto de la cicatriz en la cesárea

    2020 | WITH COLOMBIA: Diagnóstico y manejo del defecto de la cicatriz en la cesárea



    Webinar: Diagnóstico y manejo del defecto de la cicatriz en la cesárea

    • Hora: 8 AM Bogotá / GMT-5 

    Registro en

Lunes 18 Mayo

  • 17:00 - 18:00   Webinar: Malformaçoes Uterinas

    2020 | WITH BRAZIL: Malformaçoes Uterinas



    Webinar: Malformaçoes Uterinas

    • Hora: 17h00 Brasilia 

    Registro en:

Jueves 14 Mayo

  • 16:00 - 17:00   Cirugía mínimamente invasiva de los miomas by GCH

    2020 | GCH WEBINAR SERIES: Cirugía mínimamente invasiva de los miomas by GCH



    Webinar en español. Regístrate en

    ¡Gracias por participar

Martes 12 Mayo

  • 13:00 - 14:00   Webinar: CMIG durante COVID-19

    2020 | WITH ARGENTINA: CMIG durante COVID-19



    Webinar: CMIG durante COVID-19

    • Hora: 13h00 Argentina 

    Registro en

Lunes 11 Mayo

  • 16:00 - 17:00   Webinar Series | Cirugía mínimamente invasiva de los miomas by GCH

    2020 | GCH WEBINAR SERIES: Cirugía mínimamente invasiva de los miomas por GCH



    Webinar en español. Regístrate en

    ¡Gracias por participar!

  • 19:00 - 20:00   Update on MIS Treatment of Myoma - Hysteroscopic Approach Part 2

    2020 | GCH WEBINAR SERIES: Update on MIS Treatment of Myoma - Hysteroscopic Approach - Part 2



Jueves 07 Mayo

  • 19:00 - 20:00   Update on MIS Treatment of Myomas - Hysteroscopic Approach Part 1

    2020 | GCH WEBINAR SERIES: Update on MIS Treatment of Myomas - Hysteroscopic Approach - Part 1



Lunes 04 Mayo

  • 19:00 - 20:00   Update on MIS Treatment of Myomas: Laparoscopic Approach Part 2

    2020 | GCH WEBINAR SERIES: Update on MIS Treatment of Myomas: Laparoscopic Approach - Part 2



Sábado 02 Mayo

  • 00:00 - 23:59  

    Dia Internacional de la Histeroscopía 2020 | ¡FELIZ DÍA A TODOS!


Viernes 01 Mayo

  • 08:00 - 18:00   12º Ítalo-Brasileiro de Endoscopia Ginecològica - Sao Paulo

    2020 | WITH ITALY-BRAZIL: 12º Ítalo-Brasileiro de Endoscopia Ginecològica - Sao Paulo


  • 08:00 - 18:00   Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy

    2020 | WITH HUNGARY: Hungarian Congress on Hysteroscopy

Jueves 30 Abril

  • 19:00 - 20:00   Update on MIS Treatment of Myoma - Laparoscopic Approach | Part 1

    2020 | GCH WEBINAR SERIES: Update on MIS Treatment of Myoma - Laparoscopic Approach - Part 1



Viernes 10 Abril

  • 08:00 - 20:00   International School of Laser Gynecology | Training Course

    2020 | WITH BULGARIA: International School of Laser Gynecology - Training Course


    Sofia, Bulgaria

Viernes 13 Marzo

  • 00:00 - 23:59   Hysmena Hysteroscopy Conference 2020 - Dubai

    2020 | WITH DUBAI: Hysmena Hysteroscopy Conference 2020 - Dubai


    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Hysteroscopy Conference.

    The Metropolitan Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.

Viernes 28 Febrero

  • 00:00 - 01:00   Jornada HEF2020 - Tarragona

    2020 | CON ESPAÑA: Jornada HEF2020 - Tarragona


    HisteroEcoFertilidad 2020

    Jornada nacional de Fertilidad, Ecografía y Cirugía Histeroscópica de la cavidad uterina.

Jueves 30 Enero

  • 08:00 - 20:00   Repronatal 2020 - III Symposium sobre controversias en medicina de la reproducción y en medicina perinatal

    2020 | CON ESPAÑA: Repronatal 2020 - III Symposium sobre controversias en medicina de la reproducción y en medicina perinatal



Viernes 24 Enero

  • 08:00 - 20:00  

    2020 | CON ESPAÑA: III Congreso Cirugía Ginecológica - SAGO


    Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz - Spain

Miércoles 04 Diciembre

  • 00:00 - 01:00   4th World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Jerusalem 4-6 Dec 2019

    2019 | WITH ISRAEL: 4th World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Jerusalem 4-6 Dec 2019


Domingo 06 Octubre

  • 00:00 - 01:00   ESGE 28th Annual Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece

    2019 | WITH ESGE: 28th ESGE Annual Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece


Jueves 19 Septiembre

  • 00:00 - 23:59   The Global Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society - Rio de Janeiro

    2019 | WITH BRAZIL: The Global Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society, Rio de Janeiro


Jueves 05 Septiembre

  • 00:00 - 01:00   Hands-on Hysteroscopy Workshop, Jaipur Doorbeen Hospital

    2019 | WITH INDIA: Hands-on Hysteroscopy Workshop, Jaipur Doorbeen Hospital


Martes 30 Abril

  • 08:00 - 12:00   GCH2019 | 2nd Edition of the Global Congress on Hysteroscopy

    2019 | Global Congress on Hysteroscopy


    Barcelona - Spain


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